Thursday, May 12, 2011


I am getting a little pooped. When I get pooped, I tend to get a little poopy.

This morning Blogspot was down, and I thought I was going to have an excuse for not writing a blogpost today. No one is making me write this blankity blank blog, so I shouldn't have to have an excuse to take a break. Right?

The problem is, my breaks turn in to long periods of inactivity. Whether it is going to the gym, dieting or blogging, it seems to be all or nothing for me. It really is a shame, because after awhile exhaustion begins to set in. I start wanting to quit whatever it is. I start to search for some noble reason why I just can't keep it up - an excuse that I can live with.

The truth is, moderation would solve everything. In the first teaching he delivered after his enlightenment, Buddha described the Middle Way as a path that led to liberation. The reality for me is that this is not something I can achieve completely alone and through shear will.

Applying the principles and tools of the 12 Steps is a way of letting a power greater than myself discipline me. Seventeen months ago I quit smoking. When I did, I returned to the gym. Have I been consistent with it? No. I go hard and heavy and then fall off and gain weight back. The difference this time is that, for the first time in my life I renewed a gym membership at the end of the first year. I am currently back at it for almost two months now. The not so great thing is, I have been every day now for almost three weeks. I am beginning to get tired. Maybe there is a power out there that will help me to take a break tomorrow and return Saturday.

Since I am straight-skinny, but still gay-fat, I have been on an unrelenting, restricted diet for eight weeks. I have taken a baby step towards the Middle Way. I have begun eating out once a week with a friend.

I have been taking a break from blogging on Saturdays. Maybe I need two days a week off. Balance is a bitch.

Poopy James is not pleasant.

Hold that thought...

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm the same, totally hard on for a while until I exhaust myself. With blogging I'm starting to do picture pieces when i'm tired.
