Friday, January 14, 2011

Mr. Right

Two very arrogant guys get together and discuss humility. Really? I mean, really.

Of course these are two guys who are, as I have heard it put, each an egomaniac with an inferiority complex. One of these characters is unfortunately me.

The discussion begins very civilly and escalates to a fairly heated debate. I tend to get intensely passionate when I think I am right. When I think I am right, by god, I know I am right. It becomes utterly inconceivable that any person I am talking to can't see that fact. In the midst of my trying to share my vast knowledge about humility, I lose absolutely any humility that I may have had.

I share with him a pearl of wisdom my spiritual advisor gave me. My advisor saw the need, early on and rightly so, to tell me, "James, no matter how right you think you are, you should always remember that you could be wrong." When I whipped this jewel out and used it on my buddy last night, he still does not say, "You're right James, of course, how could I have ever even questioned that."

In all my arrogance, I sit there trying to get my poor deluded friend to see his egomania and lack of humility. Still oblivious to the error of my ways, we hug and go our separate ways, but I am left with this uneasy feeling.

Upon reflection, I realize that I had once again fallen into the humility trap. I find any leveling of my pride to be so bruising. I really hate that, for me, it seems to require that I routinely show my ass. I am beginning to think that I should avoid the discussion of humility all together for awhile. So, I will one more time, ask my friend's forgiveness and try not to cram my self-perceived wisdom down anyone's throat today.

Maybe I haven't found Mr. Right because I think I am Mr. Right.

Hold that thought...

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know that Grey and I are now followers of the best,most humble blog on facebook. Love you
