Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dead Birds

It has been a bad week for birds in the news - with them falling out of
the sky and all. Although, it should be a boon for the end-of-days
crowd. Kirk Cameron has already gotten some press.

The thought of the world ending does not bother me nearly as much as the
thought of getting struck by lighting and dying. I don't like being
singled out. I tend to take things a little personally.

Either way it seems a shame that I should go anywhere now that I have
quit drinking, quit smoking, started working out and completed four
years of therapy. If anything, it would be nice to have a little advance
notice. Are dead birds falling from the sky advance notice? What about
earthquake swarms or the mass acceptance of Fox News as being fair and balanced?
It's hard to know for sure. But I find myself planning what I would do with a couple of
days warning.

Would I get a case of Tequila? Would I snuggle up with the Marlboro Man?
Would I tear all the tags of my mattresses? A couple of weeks ago I told
the lady down at our gourmet chocolate shop that when the missiles flew
I was headed her way. I had a picture in my head of her and me sitting
on the floor stuffing our faces with excellent chocolates like Lucy and
Ethel at the candy factory.

I suspect anything too self-destructive would not be a good idea just in
case the dead birds falling from the sky were just that - dead birds
falling from the sky. Either way it's good to have a plan. Seems like
such a pity to die with an empty stomach or a healthy blood sugar level.

Hold that thought...

1 comment:

  1. I was reading further into things yesterday and learned that birds dying randomly and falling out of the sky is more common than is usually thought.

    But the lack of bees is what concerns me. The reason being is that einstein said when the bees are gone be scared. Or something along those lines. We rely on bees to pollinate our plant and supply us with food. Once they die off people will be out there pollinating the plants. And as we fail to do it as effectively as a million bees, who are naturally made to pollinate, we'll be surely screwed.
