Thursday, June 16, 2011

First, I Fail

The failure to handle difficulties on my own has led to many good things in recovery. My faith grows stronger every year in the process of surrender, reaching out for help and then taking action that has worked for me in the past.

One of the books in my program of recovery talks about the Steps leading to a faith that works. For me, faith is born out of action and results. When I take action and it works, then I have true faith in the power of that action. That is one of the blessings of having a little time under my belt in recovery. I have the knowledge of what has helped me in the past and the faith that if I return to it again, it will once again work.

The last couple of months have been a particularly challenging time in my sobriety. Experience kept telling me to return to things that had worked for me before. After sitting down with my sponsor and discussing this, I realized one of my options was to return to the therapist that was instrumental in getting me into recovery and helping me in my first four years.

Of course my mind says, “Oh, it will take weeks to get in to see her.” I called anyway and they had a cancellation yesterday afternoon. It seems that it was meant to be. I have never been so glad to see anyone in my life. What a wonderful feeling to walk out of there with a list of actions to take that will help me get through this difficult time.

Sometimes I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to be in recovery, with so many resources at my fingertips. It is a foundation of support that helps me get through good and bad times, sane and sober. All I have to do is reach out. All I have to do is ask. All I have to do is take some action. But, first I have to fail. I have to fail at handling it all by myself, in my own head. Surrender - the first step.

Hold that thought...


  1. Recovery is always an endeavor into ones faith and existence it would seem.

  2. Good on you for reaching out to get more support when you need it.
